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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Iran - Outnumbered Riot Police Beg Protesters Not To Hurt Them

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I've been doing some analysis of Twitter traffic concerning Iran in regards to China. I thought it would be interesting on a small scale, but throughout today a new tag has appeared, #CN4Iran, that is rallying the Chinese on Twitter in support of Iran. It became one of the 'trending topics' on Twitter (namely one of the top 10 'said' things on Twitter in the whole world) and is enjoying considerable use right now.

Here are some links I have gathered.


The Chinese have been noting their support through the shared usage of the tag #CN4Iran, which is updated live at this URL:

A repeating message that is coming through time to time is "First Iran, Then China!"


CN4Iran: Chinese join Iranians over Twitter

"The Chinese Inspired by the People of Iran" on CNN's iReport.

There is some loose talk of hoping for a future "Iran For China' #IR4China

An example propaganda poster that has come out of China.

As some of you may know, a China Daily supported Twitter-variant was hacked immediately following its launch several days ago by domestic hackers, and that is just one example of how much contention exists in regards to the use of the protocol in China. The Twitter website is blocked in China, as well as many popular tools for using it, but there still remain ways to route oneself out of China.

I've also seen several versions of Liu Xiaobo's 'Charter 08' circulated in Farsi.

I'll be following this closely.